

This is a port of a well known tutorial for the JuliaDB package. This tutorial is available as a Jupyter notebook here.

Getting the data

The flights dataset for the tutorial is here. Alternatively, run the following in Julia:


Loading the data

Loading a csv file is straightforward with JuliaDB:

using JuliaDB

flights = loadtable("hflights.csv")

Of course, replace the path with the location of the dataset you have just downloaded.

Filtering the data

In order to select only rows matching certain criteria, use the filter function:

filter(i -> (i.Month == 1) && (i.DayofMonth == 1), flights)

To test if one of two conditions is verified:

filter(i -> (i.UniqueCarrier == "AA") || (i.UniqueCarrier == "UA"), flights)

# in this case, you can simply test whether the `UniqueCarrier` is in a given list:

filter(i -> i.UniqueCarrier in ["AA", "UA"], flights)

Select: pick columns by name

You can use the select function to select a subset of columns:

select(flights, (:DepTime, :ArrTime, :FlightNum))
Table with 227496 rows, 3 columns:
DepTime  ArrTime  FlightNum
1400     1500     428
1401     1501     428
1352     1502     428
1403     1513     428
1405     1507     428
1359     1503     428
1359     1509     428
1355     1454     428
1443     1554     428
1443     1553     428
1429     1539     428
1419     1515     428
1939     2119     124
556      745      280
1026     1208     782
1611     1746     1050
758      1051     201
1307     1600     471
1818     2111     1191
2047     2334     1674
912      1031     127
656      812      621
1600     1713     1597

Let's select all columns between :Year and :Month as well as all columns containing "Taxi" or "Delay" in their name. Between selects columns between two specified extremes, passing a function filters column names by that function and All takes the union of all selectors (or all columns, if no selector is specified).

select(flights, All(Between(:Year, :DayofMonth), i -> occursin("Taxi", string(i)), i -> occursin("Delay", string(i))))
Table with 227496 rows, 7 columns:
Year  Month  DayofMonth  TaxiIn  TaxiOut  ArrDelay  DepDelay
2011  1      1           7       13       -10       0
2011  1      2           6       9        -9        1
2011  1      3           5       17       -8        -8
2011  1      4           9       22       3         3
2011  1      5           9       9        -3        5
2011  1      6           6       13       -7        -1
2011  1      7           12      15       -1        -1
2011  1      8           7       12       -16       -5
2011  1      9           8       22       44        43
2011  1      10          6       19       43        43
2011  1      11          8       20       29        29
2011  1      12          4       11       5         19
2011  12     6           4       15       14        39
2011  12     6           13      9        -10       -4
2011  12     6           4       12       -12       1
2011  12     6           3       9        -9        16
2011  12     6           3       10       -4        -2
2011  12     6           5       10       0         7
2011  12     6           5       11       -9        8
2011  12     6           4       9        4         7
2011  12     6           4       14       -4        -3
2011  12     6           3       9        -13       -4
2011  12     6           3       11       -12       0

The same could be achieved more concisely using regular expressions:

select(flights, All(Between(:Year, :DayofMonth), r"Taxi|Delay"))

Applying several operations

If one wants to apply several operations one after the other, there are two main approaches:

  • nesting
  • piping

Let's assume we want to select UniqueCarrier and DepDelay columns and filter for delays over 60 minutes. Since the DepDelay column has missing data, we also need to filter out missing values via !ismissing. The nesting approach would be:

filter(i -> !ismissing(i.DepDelay > 60), select(flights, (:UniqueCarrier, :DepDelay)))
Table with 224591 rows, 2 columns:
UniqueCarrier  DepDelay
"AA"           0
"AA"           1
"AA"           -8
"AA"           3
"AA"           5
"AA"           -1
"AA"           -1
"AA"           -5
"AA"           43
"AA"           43
"WN"           1
"WN"           16
"WN"           -2
"WN"           7
"WN"           8
"WN"           7
"WN"           -3
"WN"           -4
"WN"           0

For piping, we'll use the excellent Lazy package.

import Lazy
Lazy.@as x flights begin
    select(x, (:UniqueCarrier, :DepDelay))
    filter(i -> !ismissing(i.DepDelay > 60), x)
Table with 224591 rows, 2 columns:
UniqueCarrier  DepDelay
"AA"           0
"AA"           1
"AA"           -8
"AA"           3
"AA"           5
"AA"           -1
"AA"           -1
"AA"           -5
"AA"           43
"AA"           43
"WN"           1
"WN"           16
"WN"           -2
"WN"           7
"WN"           8
"WN"           7
"WN"           -3
"WN"           -4
"WN"           0

where the variable x denotes our data at each stage. At the beginning it is flights, then it only has the two relevant columns and, at the last step, it is filtered.

Reorder rows

Select UniqueCarrier and DepDelay columns and sort by DepDelay:

sort(flights, :DepDelay, select = (:UniqueCarrier, :DepDelay))
Table with 227496 rows, 2 columns:
UniqueCarrier  DepDelay
"OO"           -33
"MQ"           -23
"XE"           -19
"XE"           -19
"CO"           -18
"EV"           -18
"XE"           -17
"CO"           -17
"XE"           -17
"MQ"           -17
"XE"           -17
"DL"           -17
"US"           missing
"US"           missing
"US"           missing
"WN"           missing
"WN"           missing
"WN"           missing
"WN"           missing
"WN"           missing
"WN"           missing
"WN"           missing
"WN"           missing

or, in reverse order:

sort(flights, :DepDelay, select = (:UniqueCarrier, :DepDelay), rev = true)

Apply a function row by row

To apply a function row by row, use map: the first argument is the anonymous function, the second is the dataset.

speed = map(i -> i.Distance / i.AirTime * 60, flights)
227496-element Array{Union{Missing, Float64},1}:

Add new variables

Use the transform function to add a column to an existing dataset:

transform(flights, :Speed => speed)

If you need to add the new column to the existing dataset:

flights = transform(flights, :Speed => speed)

Reduce variables to values

To get the average delay, we first filter away datapoints where ArrDelay is missing, then group by :Dest, select :ArrDelay and compute the mean:

using Statistics

groupby(mean ∘ skipmissing, flights, :Dest, select = :ArrDelay)
Table with 116 rows, 2 columns:
Dest   avg_delay
"ABQ"  7.22626
"AEX"  5.83944
"AGS"  4.0
"AMA"  6.8401
"ANC"  26.0806
"ASE"  6.79464
"ATL"  8.23325
"AUS"  7.44872
"AVL"  9.97399
"BFL"  -13.1988
"BHM"  8.69583
"BKG"  -16.2336
"SJU"  11.5464
"SLC"  1.10485
"SMF"  4.66271
"SNA"  0.35801
"STL"  7.45488
"TPA"  4.88038
"TUL"  6.35171
"TUS"  7.80168
"TYS"  11.3659
"VPS"  12.4572
"XNA"  6.89628

Performance tip

If you'll group often by the same variable, you can sort your data by that variable at once to optimize future computations.

sortedflights = reindex(flights, :Dest)
Table with 227496 rows, 22 columns:
#   colname            type
1   Dest               String
2   Year               Int64
3   Month              Int64
4   DayofMonth         Int64
5   DayOfWeek          Int64
6   DepTime            DataValues.DataValue{Int64}
7   ArrTime            DataValues.DataValue{Int64}
8   UniqueCarrier      String
9   FlightNum          Int64
10  TailNum            String
11  ActualElapsedTime  DataValues.DataValue{Int64}
12  AirTime            DataValues.DataValue{Int64}
13  ArrDelay           DataValues.DataValue{Int64}
14  DepDelay           DataValues.DataValue{Int64}
15  Origin             String
16  Distance           Int64
17  TaxiIn             DataValues.DataValue{Int64}
18  TaxiOut            DataValues.DataValue{Int64}
19  Cancelled          Int64
20  CancellationCode   String
21  Diverted           Int64
22  Speed              DataValues.DataValue{Float64}
using BenchmarkTools

println("Presorted timing:")
@benchmark groupby(mean ∘ skipmissing, sortedflights, select = :ArrDelay)
Presorted timing:

  memory estimate:  31.23 MiB
  allocs estimate:  1588558
  minimum time:     39.565 ms (8.03% GC)
  median time:      44.401 ms (9.83% GC)
  mean time:        44.990 ms (10.36% GC)
  maximum time:     57.016 ms (15.96% GC)
  samples:          112
  evals/sample:     1
println("Non presorted timing:")
@benchmark groupby(mean ∘ skipmissing, flights, select = :ArrDelay)
Non presorted timing:

  memory estimate:  1.81 KiB
  allocs estimate:  30
  minimum time:     195.095 μs (0.00% GC)
  median time:      212.309 μs (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        230.878 μs (0.20% GC)
  maximum time:     4.859 ms (95.04% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     1

Using summarize, we can summarize several columns at the same time:

summarize(mean ∘ skipmissing, flights, :Dest, select = (:Cancelled, :Diverted))

# For each carrier, calculate the minimum and maximum arrival and departure delays:

cols = Tuple(findall(i -> occursin("Delay", string(i)), colnames(flights)))
summarize((min = minimum∘skipmissing, max = maximum∘skipmissing), flights, :UniqueCarrier, select = cols)
Table with 15 rows, 5 columns:
UniqueCarrier  ArrDelay_min  DepDelay_min  ArrDelay_max  DepDelay_max
"AA"           -39           -15           978           970
"AS"           -43           -15           183           172
"B6"           -44           -14           335           310
"CO"           -55           -18           957           981
"DL"           -32           -17           701           730
"EV"           -40           -18           469           479
"F9"           -24           -15           277           275
"FL"           -30           -14           500           507
"MQ"           -38           -23           918           931
"OO"           -57           -33           380           360
"UA"           -47           -11           861           869
"US"           -42           -17           433           425
"WN"           -44           -10           499           548
"XE"           -70           -19           634           628
"YV"           -32           -11           72            54

For each day of the year, count the total number of flights and sort in descending order:

Lazy.@as x flights begin
    groupby(length, x, :DayofMonth)
    sort(x, :length, rev = true)
Table with 31 rows, 2 columns:
DayofMonth  length
28          7777
27          7717
21          7698
14          7694
7           7621
18          7613
6           7606
20          7599
11          7578
13          7546
10          7541
17          7537
25          7406
16          7389
8           7366
12          7301
4           7297
19          7295
24          7234
5           7223
30          6728
29          6697
31          4339

For each destination, count the total number of flights and the number of distinct planes that flew there

groupby((flight_count = length, plane_count = length∘union), flights, :Dest, select = :TailNum)
Table with 116 rows, 3 columns:
Dest   flight_count  plane_count
"ABQ"  2812          716
"AEX"  724           215
"AGS"  1             1
"AMA"  1297          158
"ANC"  125           38
"ASE"  125           60
"ATL"  7886          983
"AUS"  5022          1015
"AVL"  350           142
"BFL"  504           70
"BHM"  2736          616
"BKG"  110           63
"SJU"  391           115
"SLC"  2033          368
"SMF"  1014          184
"SNA"  1661          67
"STL"  2509          788
"TPA"  3085          697
"TUL"  2924          771
"TUS"  1565          226
"TYS"  1210          227
"VPS"  880           224
"XNA"  1172          177

Window functions

In the previous section, we always applied functions that reduced a table or vector to a single value. Window functions instead take a vector and return a vector of the same length, and can also be used to manipulate data. For example we can rank, within each UniqueCarrier, how much delay a given flight had and figure out the day and month with the two greatest delays:

using StatsBase
fc = dropmissing(flights, :DepDelay)
gfc = groupby(fc, :UniqueCarrier, select = (:Month, :DayofMonth, :DepDelay), flatten = true) do dd
    rks = ordinalrank(column(dd, :DepDelay), rev = true)
    sort(dd[rks .<= 2], by =  i -> i.DepDelay, rev = true)
Table with 30 rows, 4 columns:
UniqueCarrier  Month  DayofMonth  DepDelay
"AA"           12     12          970
"AA"           11     19          677
"AS"           2      28          172
"AS"           7      6           138
"B6"           10     29          310
"B6"           8      19          283
"CO"           8      1           981
"CO"           1      20          780
"DL"           10     25          730
"DL"           4      5           497
"EV"           6      25          479
"EV"           1      5           465
"OO"           4      4           343
"UA"           6      21          869
"UA"           9      18          588
"US"           4      19          425
"US"           8      26          277
"WN"           4      8           548
"WN"           9      29          503
"XE"           12     29          628
"XE"           12     29          511
"YV"           4      22          54
"YV"           4      30          46

Though in this case, it would have been simpler to use Julia partial sorting:

groupby(fc, :UniqueCarrier, select = (:Month, :DayofMonth, :DepDelay), flatten = true) do dd
    partialsort(dd, 1:2, by = i -> i.DepDelay, rev = true)
Table with 30 rows, 4 columns:
UniqueCarrier  Month  DayofMonth  DepDelay
"AA"           12     12          970
"AA"           11     19          677
"AS"           2      28          172
"AS"           7      6           138
"B6"           10     29          310
"B6"           8      19          283
"CO"           8      1           981
"CO"           1      20          780
"DL"           10     25          730
"DL"           4      5           497
"EV"           6      25          479
"EV"           1      5           465
"OO"           4      4           343
"UA"           6      21          869
"UA"           9      18          588
"US"           4      19          425
"US"           8      26          277
"WN"           4      8           548
"WN"           9      29          503
"XE"           12     29          628
"XE"           12     29          511
"YV"           4      22          54
"YV"           4      30          46

For each month, calculate the number of flights and the change from the previous month

using ShiftedArrays
y = groupby(length, flights, :Month)
lengths = columns(y, :length)
transform(y, :change => lengths .- lag(lengths))
Table with 12 rows, 3 columns:
Month  length  change
1      18910   missing
2      17128   -1782
3      19470   2342
4      18593   -877
5      19172   579
6      19600   428
7      20548   948
8      20176   -372
9      18065   -2111
10     18696   631
11     18021   -675
12     19117   1096

Visualizing your data

The StatsPlots and GroupedErrors package as well as native plotting recipes from JuliaDB using OnlineStats make a rich set of visualizations possible with an intuitive syntax.

Use the @df macro to be able to refer to columns simply by their name. You can work with these symobls as if they are regular vectors. Here for example, we split data according to whether the distance is smaller or bigger than 1000.

using StatsPlots
gr(fmt = :png) # choose the fast GR backend and set format to png: svg would probably crash with so many points
@df flights scatter(:DepDelay, :ArrDelay, group = :Distance .> 1000, layout = 2, legend = :topleft)


Online statistics

For large datasets, summary statistics can be computed using efficient online algorithms implemnted in OnlineStats. Here we will use an online algorithm to compute the mean traveled distance split across month of the year.

using OnlineStats
grpred = groupreduce(Mean(), flights, :Month; select = :Distance)
Table with 12 rows, 2 columns:
Month  Mean
1      Mean: n=18910 | value=760.804
2      Mean: n=17128 | value=763.909
3      Mean: n=19470 | value=782.788
4      Mean: n=18593 | value=783.845
5      Mean: n=19172 | value=789.66
6      Mean: n=19600 | value=797.869
7      Mean: n=20548 | value=798.52
8      Mean: n=20176 | value=793.727
9      Mean: n=18065 | value=790.444
10     Mean: n=18696 | value=788.256
11     Mean: n=18021 | value=790.691
12     Mean: n=19117 | value=809.024

Extract the values of the OnlineStat objects with the value function.

select(grpred, (:Month, :Mean => value))
Table with 12 rows, 2 columns:
Month  Mean
1      760.804
2      763.909
3      782.788
4      783.845
5      789.66
6      797.869
7      798.52
8      793.727
9      790.444
10     788.256
11     790.691
12     809.024

Interfacing with online datasets

JuliaDB can also smoothly interface online datasets using packages from the JuliaDatabases organization. Here's how it would work with a MySQL dataset:

using MySQL, JuliaDB
conn = MySQL.connect(host::String, user::String, passwd::String; db::String = "") # edit as needed for your dataset
MySQL.query(conn, "SELECT Name, Salary FROM Employee;") |> table # execute the query and collect as a table